Online Drop Form

Student Records & Registration

Online Drop & Withdrawal Form

The Online Drop & Withdrawal form may be used to drop and/or withdraw. This form will be available through the 75% point of the semester/term which is the deadline to withdraw from 16-week (Fall/Spring) or 8-week (Summer) classes. If you are attempting to withdraw and have difficulty submitting the form, please contact your Advisor or the Navigation Station on either campus. 

If this form is no longer available, the deadline to withdraw from 16-week classes (8 weeks for summer) has ended. Withdrawal requests not submitted on or before the 75% point of the class (last date to withdraw), will result in the student receiving a grade of “F” or the grade earned. For questions, contact the instructor of your class.

Please allow 24-48 hours for processing any paperwork. Confirmation of your withdrawal can be found on your WebAdvisor menu item “My Course Schedule”.

Withdrawn classes are processed as a final grade of “W” and are not eligible for a refund. Request for withdrawals or dropping classes for refunds must be submitted timely. Please view the Refund Policy and deadline for refund dates for more information.


Withdrawal Dates
